Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction and Module Overview

    • Introduction

    • Module Overview

  • 2

    Our Starting Point – The Mission of God

    • Our Starting Point - The Mission of God

    • Opening Prayer

    • Introduction

    • What is God's mission?

    • What is the Good News?

    • Catholic Social Teaching

    • Closing Prayer

    • References

  • 3

    Module 1A: The Marist Story

    • Getting Started

    • Opening Prayer

    • Introduction

    • A Gift of the Spirit

    • The Early Marists

    • Marcellin Champagnat

    • A Formative Experience - Memorare in the Snow

    • Closing Prayer

    • References

  • 4

    Module 1B: The Marist Story

    • Getting Started

    • Opening Prayer

    • Introduction

    • The Dying Child - "We must have Brothers!"

    • Apostles to Youth

    • A Vision for Marist Education Today

    • The Marist Mission Continues

    • Closing Prayer

    • References

  • 5

    Module 2A: Catholic Identity and Christian Spirituality

    • Getting Started

    • Opening Prayer

    • Introduction

    • What is Catholic Identity and Christian Spirituality?

    • The Call to do Justice

    • Flowing from our Catholic Identity

    • Dimensions of Christian Spirituality - Part 1

    • Dimensions of Christian Spirituality - Part 2

    • Dimensions of Christian Spirituality - Part 3

    • Closing Prayer

    • References

  • 6

    Module 2B: Catholic Identity and Marist Spirituality

    • Getting Started

    • Opening Prayer

    • Introduction

    • Our Beginnings

    • Dimensions of Marist Spirituality - Part 1

    • Dimensions of Marist Spirituality - Part 2

    • Dimensions of Marist Spirituality - Part 3

    • Closing Prayer

  • 7

    Module 3A: The Marist Approach to Ministry

    • Getting Started

    • Opening Prayer

    • Introduction

    • Holy is His Name

    • A Marian Approach to Our Work and Life

    • Marist Mission Connected to the Universal Church

    • Visual Reflection | Mary: The Mother of God of the Sweet Embrace

    • References

  • 8

    Module 3B: The Marist Approach to Ministry

    • Getting Started

    • Opening Prayer

    • Introduction

    • Identity and Mission Comes Through Story

    • Our Mission is Concrete and Practical

    • A Simple Gift

    • Forms and Modes of Mission

    • Call to Mission

    • Closing Prayer

    • References

  • 9

    Module 4A: Faith Leadership

    • Getting Started

    • Opening Prayer

    • Introduction

    • Faith Leadership

    • Culture

    • Marist Spirituality and Culture

    • Marist Spirituality and Culture

    • Co-responsibility

    • Stewardship

    • Synodality

    • A Blessing for Leaders

    • References

  • 10

    Module 4B: Faith Leadership and Discernment

    • Getting Started

    • Opening Prayer

    • Introduction

    • Discernment

    • A Model of Discernment By David Hall FMS

    • Presence

    • Listening

    • Searching

    • Waiting

    • Acting

    • Indifference

    • Summary

    • Closing Prayer

    • References